mulholland drive

released: 2001

directed by: David Lynch


written by: David Botros


I don’t even know where to begin.

If this is your first David Lynch film as it was mine, nothing will prepare you for what you are about to see.

Being as vague as possible, the story is about a woman, Naomi Watts, pursuing her acting dream in glamorous LA.

Things take a turn, though, when an unexpected roommate tries to remember who she was prior to a car accident.

That’s maybe the thinnest layer I can describe to you of what this film is about.

So many more characters and incidents ebb and flow throughout this thing –


– Each character feels like the whole story is about them.

No matter how minor they seemed, how short of a time they were onscreen, I felt that everything else surrounded them specifically.

I’ve never seen another movie do that so perfectly.

Because of that, you can interpret this thing a million and one different ways.

I honestly don’t think there can be one definitive take, which is not even the point.

The point is: I felt a strong personal connection to what I was seeing.

And if you have seen or do decide to see it (which I highly recommend by the way) and feel the same, then Lynch did his job.

It’s about dreams.

It’s about the fabrication of reality.

It’s about movies, fantasy, jealousy, insanity, and old people.

These ideas aren’t simply dialogued, they are in the very fabric of the film.

I’ll give you an example:

I was surprised by how awfully clear some of the ADR was early on.

That, plus the overexposure in lighting, made some scenes feel cheaply made.

And I’d always heard how awesome and non-cheap Lynch was … so I accepted it.

If you sit back and surrender yourself to this experience, it is worth it.

You don’t HAVE to understand; what you will do is think about it long after the credits roll.

Some of these sequences are forever engraved into my memory.

One involving an audition, and another a 60s style studio booth along with two specific songs.

That’s all I’ll say here because it’s best to go in blind, but there’s so much more we can go into.


For now, if you haven’t seen it, and if you thought Donnie Darko was strange – then add this to your watchlist.

Copyright © 2021 David Botros